Sunday 29 May 2016

Sailor Moon R part 1 is out!!

Hi everyone I got something in the mail this weekend Sailor Moon R part 1 Limited Edition by Madman!!

This front cover is soooo beautiful!!! Nice Marco Alberto Art work very crisp. This box reminds me so much of the German R box 1 1. It has stars,sparkles and a crescent moon. I love the color scheme Madman used.

When you flip over the box we see Mars on the back. She's also on the DVD spine. I can't wait to see Jups and V-chan on the next sets. There is also synopsis of what's happened so far in the series that's always a nice touch.  The extras included in this set are basic clean opening and ending. I'm hoping when we get to R part 2 and S we get some more extras.

The basic information given on the back is removable. When removed we get a nice picture of Sailor Moon holding the cutie moon rod.

The DVD cover art again like the previous sets is outstanding. Soo fancy. This image was used in previous SM DVD releases Mexican, French and German and now Australian release.

Opening the case I noticed a new change the DVD case layout is different. The DVDs were no longer being  stacked. This layout is much,much better and practical than the previous DVD release.

Here are the DVDs!!! Love the designs!

We have four disks with a total of 21 episodes total for this release. The disks are cute this time too. We get Sailor Moon Chibiusa,Moonlight knight and Ail and An. Loving Madman's choices for disk art.

Here's the reverse wrap. It's of all the girls in  school uniform. I think this is a great choice. Great on Madman for keeping things fresh and not following Viz for their choice in Reverse wrap art.

The limited Edition booklet is purple this time. The booklet just includes updated character bios and some images from this season.


Madman’s remastering process for the video continues to be very effective, resulting in a high quality DVD release. The quality may not be perfect, but that is understandable as this is not a Blu-ray release. The quality of this release is undoubtedly up to par. 


The new background music is not quite as memorable as the music composed for the first season, but it still helps give the series that magic feel that has been present since the beginning. I love Ail’s flute. He frequently plays a short melody, one that sounds both mysterious and pleasant at the same time. It is a shame that it will most likely never be heard again in the series, but it is enjoyable while it lasts. The new ending theme song soooo catchy. 

 The voice acting in the original Japanese version is fantastic, The English dub is also fantastic. The voice actress for Chiba-Usa’s Sandy Fox does a surprisingly amazing  job. She reminds me of Tracy Hoyt and Stephanie Beard it's sort of a mix between those too and I just love that.

Gurio Umino’s voice actor Ben Diskin also does a great job in his role. 

I'm sooo pumped for Sailor Moon R part 2 to be out June 8 2016 and Sailor Moon Crystal set 1 by Madman date (TBA) But Madman did mention this week that Crystal should be out later this year. I might just wait until Madman releases Crystal and pick up R part 2 with it. 

 Hope you enjoyed my review leave a comment below.

You can pick up R part 1 now. Links below (NOTE) This is region 4 DVD.


  1. This is probably the best box set can't wait for R part 2 to come out next week!! Do you know when we could get Crystal set 1 by Madman out???

  2. Nice review Eman! I know you love you're Madman set's! Enjoy them when you get them all! Cheers!
