Saturday 14 January 2017

My Sailor Moon Collecting Journey+ story!!!

It's been a while you guys! Over the last several months I have gotten a ton of questions about collecting writing a Sailor Moon collecting post. I decided to go for it.

Some of my background in regards to collecting and probably a story.

 I've been collecting Sailor Moon on and off since I was seven so like 2001.  I received a few VHS tapes, a few Irwin dolls, and DVDs as a young child. I also got the opportunity to travel to Australia as a child. I've been to Australia a total of three times through my childhood and teen years. I scored merch almoust every time I had gone. There was a store in Melbourne called SF Anime Shop. Most of my international items are from there. The last time I went was August 2008. Yes during that trip I had scored some awesome merch. That store has since closed down. Fast forward to late 2010 I was a senior in high school and decided to start collect again.  All this new merch from Italy was comimg out like the dolls,magazines and a new Moon Stick. I felt like a little kid again when I heard all the news and where I could order it from. I might have gone slightly crazy when I saw pics of all the new items. My parents bought me lots when Sailor Moon was first released here. But when we had made a move to a new home I had lost a couple things.  My mom especially loved the series and would watch it with me. She bought me merch pretty much every Friday when we would go to the mall.  My dad was also very supportive of my love for that series. I felt I related so much to each them. I always felt I didn't "fit in" or belonged as a child. The only thing that made me feel like I belonged was this show and I owe this series so much. I went on to College now I'm looking into becoming a  primary school teacher.  All great stuff!! But back to the collecting. So in early 2011 I believe late January A package was at my house. I thought nothing of it until my parents told me to open it. I looked at them very puzzled.  I had no idea what they were even talking about. But when I opened it there was pretty much all of the 2011 Italy merch I got all two 10" dolls (Moon and Venus), magazines and the moonstick. It was an early birthday gift from both of my parents. A few months later I had received gifts from my best friend who had gone to Italy for her spring break and she brought me back some things from this trip the gift bag was so huge. I get home after school and open the gifts. She got the rest of the 10" dolls (Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) they are such pretty dolls.

Today I'm still collecting.  I've slowed down on vintage items since I've acquired alot of my dream items recently. I just have about two left to get! With the huge wave of new merch coming out I only collect the items I truly want to have.  I will make a video with my whole collection as I have  about 50% of it remaining in a huge box in my basement and will probably do like a tour if that's something you would all be interested in  There's a lot if memories associated with a lot of the items I do have currently since childhood.

Thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoyed reading this and hopefully you learned a bit more about me through this.

Some have asked  if I have any " Dream items" I hope to get. Thankfully that list has gotten shorter over the years.  Especially recently. Definitely number 1 dream items would have to be the Sailor Moon talking German Doll and Super Sailor Chibimoon 1996 doll.

My list on where to get items!

If your a Canadian Moonie like me there's a Toyshop in Vancouver called Toytards they also have a website. This has been my go too store since 2014 for Sailor Moon items. Their customer service is phenomenal. If there's an item you want and they don't have it on their website or in shop they will actually order it for you. I've ordered all my proplicas from them. The lowest I've ever payed for a proplica was under $100. Their Prices are too bad ether. One thing to note with the shipping within Canada it's not free it's about $14. That's not too bad if you order a few things. They also have like a points system which if you accumulate a certain number of points. Those points can be used to reduce your order total.

Obviously number 1 sites everyone will tell you is ether Ebay or Amazon.

Yahoo Japan Auctions

Ami- Ami


Flea Markets

Hopefully you enjoyed this! Look out for a video soon I'm thinking about in 3 weeks to have it up for you all. Xoxo!